SEATTLE — By Chris Ingalls KING 5 News 7:26 p.m. PDT July 23, 2015 Thousands of drivers in Seattle are racking up big numbers of parking tickets, but not paying…
SEATTLE — By Henry Rosoff 10:54 p.m. PDT, Wed June 24, 2015 Seattle police have a warning for drivers with outstanding parking tickets: pay up, or be brought down by…
New York City rolls out program to clamp down on motorists who owe more than $350 in unpaid parking tickets Department of Finance unveils program in Brooklyn as vans will…
Somerville, NJ (June 25th, 2012) The New York City Department of Finance has contracted with PayLock IPT LLC to provide its patented self-release booting solution to assist the NYC Sheriff…
Mangano Announces Nassau County to Begin Boot and Tow Program to Collect Millions in Unpaid Traffic Fines Urges Scofflaws to Pay Up Before March 26 Nassau County Executive Edward P….
PayLock services arrive on the West Coast – Oakland, CA implements the SmartBoot system to greatly improve customer service and collect an additional $800,000 annually in revenue.” Read the local…
Montgomery County, MD becomes the third Maryland government entity to introduce Smart Booting. They now join Prince Georges County and the City of Baltimore with successful Smart Booting programs.” Read…