What We Believe
PayLock believes that parking is a valuable and limited resource. As a critical service, parking must be fairly, creatively, and aggressively managed by public and private administrators. PayLock’s mission is to find ways to promote a healthy parking environment where everybody wins.
How We Help
PayLock offers a suite of unique parking management products and services. We provide solutions that provide unprecedented customer service and good government solutions that are easy for our clients to pay for.
PayLock’s proven solutions produce immediate results without the risk of a large, upfront investment. Since PayLock services are based on contingency fees, our clients generally have no out-of-pocket expenses whatsoever. We rule.
Self-Release Booting
A light weight device that saves time and reduces frustration by enabling a self-service solution.
Digital Permitting
Providing immediate permission to permit holders online, reducing wasted travel, fraud and paper waste.
Easy LPR
Proprietary, parking management software and tools including citation management, handhelds, LPRs, and more.
Superior data analytics tool makes finding scofflaws vehicles simple.
Our real-time action-based dashboard that allows users immediate access to PayLock’s core modules.

Self-Release Booting
A light weight device that saves time and reduces frustration by enabling a self-service solution.
The SmartBoot itself is a 16-pound device with embedded electronics that can be removed from a car without special assistance. This technology alone revolutionized the world of vehicle immobilization. All other forms of booting require a motorist to wait for someone else to return to the vehicle location for removal. It’s not uncommon for this to take hours or even days depending on the situation. Motorists with a SmartBoot have the option to be on their way in less than five minutes. To learn more, click here.

Digital Permitting
Provides immediate permission to permit holders online reducing wasted travel, fraud and paper waste.
Antiquated paper permits are time consuming, costly, and ineffective. Paper permit programs handcuff municipalities by preventing them from easily scaling with piles of paper and red tape. Additionally, they require motorists to endure tedious trips to service centers, convoluted applications and long waits for approval. Customers come away feeling disgruntled and unimpressed with these 1970’s processes. To learn more, click here.

Easy LPR
Parking management software and tools including citation management, handhelds, LPRs, and more.
Proprietary, camera-based enforcement solutions help increase enforcement staff efficiency, improve on-street parking compliance, and keep revenue flowing. Double Your Speed – Let our integrated camera solution automatically write your citations – accurately and quickly. PayLock’s software merges LPR images and captured data with handheld citation hardware; auto-populating parking tickets, warning tags, and seizure notices. To learn more, click here.

The most advanced way to locate scofflaws in the industry.
Superior data analytics tool makes finding scofflaws vehicles simple. Let our advanced analytics tool do the work. PayLock’s Opti-Route software contains vehicle and location data by date and time along with deb, runaway info. To learn more, click here.

Our real-time action based dashboard that allows users immediate access to PayLock’s core modules.
Customize your own dashboards with various data tiles, be notified on areas of concern within operation, and receive real-time updates every 10 minutes. To learn more, click here.