For over a year, PayLock has had the pleasure of working with Stamford, CT. Stamford has not only increased their revenue exponentially, they have also found their compliance rate increasing throughout the city. Here are some highlighted quotes from the article posted by the Stamford Advocate:
“STAMFORD – The smart boot excels at its job.”
“So four-and-a-half times more scofflaws were caught using the smart boot, and the city collected more than five times as much in fines and fees.”
“Before, we had no strong collection process in place. We were enforcing six hours a day, five days a week,” Travers said. “Now we can enforce in the evenings and on weekends because people can immediately reclaim their cars.”
“It looks like people are starting to pay,” Travers said. “The number of non-payers is coming down, and the amount owed to the city dropped from $2 million to $1.3 million, which I think is pretty good.”
“I think this method is bringing more people into compliance. I think having a visible boot gets people thinking, ‘I don’t want that to happen to me,’” Travers said. “We’re going to start analyzing the percentage of people who pay their parking tickets now, and what percentage pay on time.”
For the full article click here.